GB 19865电动玩具测试项目

2021-09-10 已读

  GB 19865电动玩具测试项目


  This standard applies for the use of children under the 14 have at least one function requires the use of electric toys.

  1 实验的一般条件General conditions of the experiment

  2 减免试验的原则Relief experiment of principle

  3 标识和说明Identification and Description

  4 输入功率Input Power

  5 发热和非正常工作Fever and non-work

  6 工作温度下的电气强度Electric strength at operating temperature

  7 耐潮湿Resistant to moisture

  8 室温下的电气强度Electric strength at room temperature

  9 机械强度Mechanical strength

  10 结构Structure

  11 软线和电线的保护Protection of cords and wires

  12 元件Element

  13 螺钉和链接Screws and connections

  14 电气间隔和爬电距离Electrical spacing and creepage distances

  15 耐热和耐燃Heat and flame

  16 辐射、毒性和累死危害Radiation, toxicity and similar hazard



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